Showing posts with label Rome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rome. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

All I want is cheese

I have tasted heaven and it is in Rome.  Pecorno Toscano Al Forno Miele Al Tartufo is the name of the dish that has been haunting me like a reoccurring dream all day.  Last night, we found a hip little place to eat in the Trastevere area of Rome, which is on Rome's very local West bank.  We ordered this antipasti dish, knowing only that it contained truffles.   We come to find, it contains lots of Sheep's cheese, honey, nuts, and truffles, among other things.

So today, while we took in the Pantheon and the Colosseum, the Vatican and Sant Angelo, all I could think about was this cheese dish.

We ended our day's journey early, so that Kristin could be granted a break from my maniacal chanting of Pecorno Toscano Pecorno Toscano Pecorno Toscano AL Forno.  We approach the restaurant, and the door is locked.  The restaurant is only open from 8 to 12.  We wait it out.  I breathe deeply.

 Salad of greens and toms

 Kristin's Vegetable Pizza, which she ate maybe a fifth of.  There was seriosly a farm's worth of greenery on there.

  Herb Chicken

I have a ton of pictures to upload at some point, most likely tomorrow morning.